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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunway Holdings (CIMB)

Sunway Holdings is bidding for foreign and local contracts worth about US$5.7bn as big spending plans by governments boost construction activity globally. "Including what we are going to bid, it's about RM20bn" MD Yau Kok Seng said. "Our past track record (for successful bids) is about 10%, which means over the next six to 12 months, we should be able to win at least RM2bn (worth of jobs)." he said. Sunway has submitted bids for construction jobs worth about RM1bn in India. In Malaysia, the company is bidding for jobs under a multi-billion ringgit low-cost carrier terminal project, he said. Shares in Sunway have more than doubled so far this year, outpacing its larger rivals such as Gamuda and WCT. (BT, Reuters)


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