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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sentiment Index - Malaysia Stock Market

Constructed and Written by Smartbiz

Local sentiment was in holiday mood traded in low volume, Friday. The Oscillator lingering in tight range for the whole session but last minute nibbling pulled it to end at +254.11; gained 89.52 when compares with its opening point. The Average recorded a gain of 103.45.

In MSCD, %K (Yellow) computed as -152.74 (+46.56), %D (Red) -140.02 (+19.49) and the Histogram -48.73 (+9.00).

Technical Analysis
After today’s trade, both indicators edged up and the Histogram printed another shorter bar below the zero level.

There are not much changes in MSCD. Market sentiment will remains lackluster until the Histogram printed a significant bar above the zero level. However, since %K is staying above the uptrend line, market sentiment will be improving gradually.

(Note: Explanation for Intra-Day MSO and MSCD are archived under "Labels" at the lower portion of the sidebar.)

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