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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sentiment Index - Malaysia Stock Market

Constructed and Written by Smartbiz

Local sentiment turned cautious on concerns about possible supply disruptions after Iran threatened to stop the flow of oil from the Gulf, Wednesday. The Oscillator lied in the red for the whole day but, again, last minute nibbling pulled it to end at +200.83; gained 177.47 when compares with its opening point. The Average recorded a loss of 93.61.

In MSCD, %K (Yellow) computed as -127.15 (+6.09), %D (Red) -128.74 (+2.81) and the Histogram -31.15 (+8.19).

Technical Analysis
After today’s trade, both indicators almost flat but the Histogram continued to print a shorter bar below the zero level.

In MSCD, the upward movement remains intact. The increasing volume and the last minute buying were evident that investors had gradually returned to market.

(Note: Explanation for Intra-Day MSO and MSCD are archived under "Labels" at the lower portion of the sidebar.)

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