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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sentiment Index - Malaysia Stock Market

Constructed and written by Smartbiz

Intraday Oscillator: Market sentiment gradually stabilized with last hour buying lifted the oscillator to end at +208.83; gained 163.26 compared to its opening point at +45.57. The Average recorded a gain of 83.88, improved another 51.92 points compared to +31.97 of the previous session.

MSCD: After today’s market, %K hooked up sharply and moved nearer to %D.  The Histogram printed another shorter bar to ignite a bottom-rounding process.

MSCD data are appended as below:

7/9/2012 377.07 299.98 215.53 146.66 71.30
10/9/2012 216.15 287.09 215.58 149.18 71.35
11/9/2012 623.54 338.83 245.81 166.43 75.68
12/9/2012 31.97 281.80 225.22 159.22 71.86
13/9/2012 83.88 225.56 202.32 150.38 62.14
LAST+- 51.92 56.24 22.90 8.84 9.72

Market sentiment stabilized today with some nibbling seen from here and there.

Based on charts, market sentiment has found its downside bottom and is gradually recovering. However, the process should be slow and market base remains fragile. Gains should be limited.  

Note: Explanation on Intra-Day MSO and MSCD are archived under "Labels" at the sidebar.

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