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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sentiment Index - Malaysia Stock Market

Constructed and written by Smartbiz

Intraday Oscillator: Market enthusiasm was halted by the sharp drop of the key index today as oil futures falling to just above $91 a barrel in Asian electronic trading hours. The oscillator slid to end off low at -580.05; lost 499.35 compared to its opening point at -80.70. The Average recorded a loss of 411.50; shed 405.37 points compared to -6.14 of the previous session.

MSCD: After today’s market, %K hooked downwards but the Histogram continued its bottom-rounding process.

MSCD data are appended as below:

13/9/2012 83.88 225.56 202.32 149.86 62.13
14/9/2012 523.51 110.35 148.54 125.37 42.07
18/9/2012 68.96 103.99 142.64 123.32 25.93
19/9/2012 6.14 88.94 132.53 119.06 12.02
20/9/2012 411.50 138.55 153.20 129.69 6.69
LAST+- 405.37 49.61 20.67 10.63 5.33


Market sentiment was hurt by worry of global growth again as oil price dropped drastically today. However, the base remains intact as of now. Tomorrow's development will decide for the trend. Buying should return tomorrow if there is no big issue on the headlines.

Note: Explanation on Intra-Day MSO and MSCD are archived under "Labels" at the sidebar.

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