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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sentiment Index - Malaysia Stock market

Constructed and Written by Smartbiz

Local sentiment was seen lingering in positive zone but tight range, Tuesday. However, last minute nibbling pulled the Oscillator to end at its day-high at +852.78; gained 352.68 when compares with its opening point. The Average recorded a gain of 533.80.

In MSCD, %K (Yellow) computed as +130.26 (+73.34), %D (Red) +30.56 (+40.27) and the Histogram +60.53 (+9.79).

Technical Analysis
After today’s trade, both indicators continued to advance in the positive zone and the Histogram printed yet another higher bar in the positive zone.

Market sentiment remained optimistic with volume increased in yesterday’s trade. Appetites in accumulating undervalue stocks will continue so long as FBMKLCI stays above the 1,500 level.

(Note: Explanation for Intra-Day MSO and MSCD are archived under "Labels" at the lower portion of the sidebar.)

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